Dengan Software ini Anda dapat membuat partisi hard disc, recovery, dan masih banyak lagi. Bisa juga untuk mengubah ukuran partisi hard disc, memindahkan atau menggabungkan partisi tanpa harus kehilangan data pribadi pada hard disc Anda. Tapi disarankan untuk backup dulu data-datanya untuk mencegah hal-hal yang tidak di inginkan.
Acronis Disk Director ToolsAcronis Disk Director 11 Home brings together the most valuable disk management functions and partition recovery tools in a single powerful package.
Partition ManagementA comprehensive array of expert-level features gives users the control they need to maximize disk use. You can merge, split, resize, copy, and move partitions without losing data. It also lets you quickly reorganize a hard drive's structure.
Acronis Recovery ExpertAcronis Recovery Expert is a highly reliable data partition and disk recovery tool that prepares you to tackle and repair the results of a personal error, hardware or software failure, virus attack or hacker's intrusive destruction, fast.
Acronis OS SelectorAcronis OS Selector allows you to install multiple operating systems on one computer. You can boot an operating system from any partition on any hard disk or have several multiboot systems on the same partition. It's easy to use and fast.
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Aplikasi ini sangat Kami rekomendasikan untuk Anda, karena fiturnya sangat lengkap untuk manejemen hard disc Anda.
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